
广场公司准备了以下信息,以告知我们的租户和合作伙伴我们已经采取了哪些措施来与我们的员工一起应对当前的COVID-19情况, our tenants and our buildings.

您的安全、健康和幸福对我们至关重要. We understand that there are many concerns around COVID-19; therefore, 我们想为你提供一些指导/资源来帮助你理解这件事.  我们承诺尽自己的一份力量来帮助您保持健康,并将继续尽快与您沟通服务方面的任何变化.

In addition to our existing cleaning, disinfecting, and maintenance policies, we are also taking the following measures:

Cleaning and education

  • 日常频率和增加清洁在公共区域和租户空间的硬表面-台面, doorknobs, door frames, chair arms and other “touch” surfaces.
  • 在日常清洁套房和公共区域时使用高级消毒剂.

Staff precautions

  • 所有员工都被指示如果感到不舒服就呆在家里.

Management office

  • Our corporate office will be closed to visitors from March 17th through March 27th, and our staff will be working remotely to serve you. As the situation develops, this closure may be extended.  If you typically drop off rent at the management office, 你既可以邮寄付款,也可以通过邮寄口支付.

Communication updates

  • 随着情况的变化,我们将继续与我们的租户和合作伙伴进行沟通.

Building operations

  • 我们已经与我们的员工和外部供应商一起审查了业务连续性计划,以确保在员工缺勤的情况下,关键功能继续得到满足.
  • Use our Angus software to report service requests. 如果您还没有访问权限,请联系您的物业管理团队进行设置.
  • 建筑工程人员的工作时间将限制为每日早上六时至下午三时,直至另行通知为止. 我们的现场建筑工程师将按正常时间工作.  Emergency work orders will be handled as calls come in; non-emergency work orders will be addressed during early morning hours when occupancy in suites is at a minimum.  Alternately, 我们的工程师也可能与您联系,约定在入住率低的时候访问您的套房,以尽量减少暴露.
  • We are staying current with development issues; we strongly urge our tenants to do the same and have a contingency plan in place as well.

Preventing a pandemic is everyone’s job. 您可以通过以下方式帮助我们预防感染的传播:

  • 制定业务连续性和大流行病计划,以防止感染在办公室传播,并在缺勤人数增加的情况下支持业务运作.
  • 为员工提供自己工作区的消毒产品或其他个人防护装备. Use hand sanitizer with at least 60-95% alcohol.
  • 当你的访客在你的公司登记时,为他们提供洗手液.
  • 勤洗手——尤其是在触摸门把手或按下电梯按钮之后——并遵循正确的洗手程序:使用温水和肥皂, wash hands for 20 seconds.
  • 教育员工和访客正确洗手或使用洗手液的重要性.
  • Mandate that employees stay home when sick.
  • 如果您的流行病计划依赖于我们执行特定功能,请与您的物业经理沟通,以便我们确定是否可以满足您的要求.
  • Notify your property manager immediately if exposure to COVID-19 may have occurred in your suite.

Keeping the lines of communication open

我们正在监测世界卫生组织(世卫组织)提供的信息。, 疾病控制中心和亚利桑那州卫生服务部的最新情况,并正在与我们的供应商服务提供商合作,以解决更多信息可用的情况. 我们将继续保持主动和透明的沟通,以避免恐慌, misinformation and ensure your expectations are managed.

我们承诺提供一切可用资源,以减少这一流行病的范围.  As such, 这离不开我们租户及其员工的支持, 我们感谢你们为防止疾病传播所做的贡献.

If you need more information, 我们建议使用以下资源获取与COVID-19相关的最新新闻和发展:


Ready to Get Started?

Whether you are looking to us for management, leasing or development services, we can help you find the perfect space. With over 40 years of experience, 您可以信任广场公司,以协助您的房地产需求.

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